Make Those Resolutions Successful!

It’s Day 14 of the new year and already some people are starting to find their enthusiasm waning for following their New Years’ Resolutions. It’s not hard to figure out why – they’re hard to accomplish. When you set hard to accomplish...

Fear is Natural – Sort Of

Did you know that humans are born with only two fears? The fear of falling and the fear of loud sounds. That makes complete sense. Without the fear of falling, the human race would be extinct, as we all would have fallen off cliffs. Fear of loud sounds is also...

Hypnosis Creates Lasting Results

When most people think of hypnosis they think about how it helps people to lose weight and stop smoking. It definitely does that but hypnosis can lead to success in so many other areas of our life. As a hypnotist, you would expect me to tout the advantages of using...

Control and Hypnosis

I recently had a question from a potential customer asking about whether or not a hypnotized person is “under my control.” The answer is no. Hypnosis is not about the client giving up control, rather it’s about them taking back control of the parts...

Why do most diets fail?

The answer to why most diets fail is simple – they take us out of our usual eating habits and replace them with something unusual or radically different. Anybody remember the Grapefruit Diet? How about the Cabbage Soup Diet? Anybody would lose weight after eating...