Self Hypnosis

A Simple Guide to Self Hypnosis

Self hypnosis can be a wonderful tool, especially when used in conjunction with sessions with a certified hypnotist. However, you can easily create your own self hypnosis scripts and begin to create your own success stories. I do a special version of self hypnosis that takes a little more time in preparation, but is also far more powerful.

The steps:

  1. Write a one page script that discusses what you want to happen or the change you want to make. Go into detail. Make it all positive. For example, if your goal is to stop biting your nails, the script might read, “I go through each day with my nails healthy and strong. I handle stress and tension easily and my nails remain untouched.”
  2. Sum up the goal of your script in 2-3 words. For nail biting, your goal would be “keep nails healthy.”
  3. Find a quiet place where you won’t be distubed (and that includes by pets).
  4. Read your script out loud to yourself and follow up with the goal words.
  5. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, focus your eyes on a spot on the wall or ceiling.
  6. Continue to breathe deeply and easily as you set a time goal, for example, “I will go into hypnosis for five minutes.”
  7. Count down from 10 to one, telling yourself at one you will go into hypnosis.
  8. At one, close your eyes and continue breathing deeply and gently. Repeat your goal words as often as you feel appropriate.
  9. When you are ready, count up from one to 10, telling yourself at ten that you be completely out of hypnosis, relaxed and refreshed.
  10. Open your eyes, take a deep breath, and start to create successes!