Proof Hypnosis Works Just Keeps Rolling In

Hypnosis eases pain, anxiety, Montreal Children’s Hospital pilot project shows Another scientific study shows that hypnosis works and it works on all aspects of life – not just weight loss and stopping smoking. Stress relief is a huge component of hypnosis and...

Hypnosis Helping During Surgery

Here’s another article showing just how hypnosis is able to help people live better lives. Our minds are incredibly powerful and hypnosis helps you unleash the power of your mind for your benefit. Not only is hypnosis being used in place of anesthesia (with a...

Getting Support for Changing Your Life

When you want to make dramatic changes in your life, like losing weight or stopping smoking, the people around you have two choices – they can support you or they can be unsupportive. Some critics might quibble that they could also be neutral towards your...

Answering Common Questions About Hypnosis

In my latest video, I answer one of the most common questions I get about hypnosis (no, it’s not “will you make me bark like a dog?). Everything about hypnosis is voluntary – you even have to allow yourself to go into hypnosis and you are in control...